Oh yeah. Last year. Kind of I feel that I have picked up all the travels which I missed out on the year before. I was in a lot of new places. Saw new places, regions, countries. First time ever in Norway. Learning about this world, cycling over borders. Starting post-pan-Europe bikepath cycling.

But I also am observing our world. 2024 soon is at half time and our world, our political setup, our country is deteriorating. I am super wary of the „me vs you“ and „we vs them“ thing. No matter where you look. There are the bad ones and the good ones. Those who „know“ and those who „don’t know“. And there seems to be no more room for „half way“.

Our TV stations give room to right wing politicians. And to those who claim they aren’t but then – they steal right wing ideas. And it always gets onto the weak. The poor. Those who live of State aid. Yeah. Save money. Take it from the poor (and give it to the rich? Reverse Robin Hoodhood?)

I do not like to polarize. I want to understand. Polarization is easier. You have clear categories. Full stop. There will be an election this year and it will set a path for this country and for Europe. I really believe, we need to ditch European borders and act as one. Regions can be regions but Europe is lost if we don’t stick together (but…well… I said that 20 years ago) Again, gonna be a decision year.

I know this has nothing to do in a travel blog. But if things keep going this way there will be no travel in our future. Why would I really like to travel? Because meeting people somewhere else creates resprct. Talking to people. Experiencing not being able to speak someone else’s language. Being the one who is the stranger, the guest. I have had only positive experiences.

We chose to take a family trip to the US again – first time after Corona. If that Orange guy wins the elections there it might have been our last trip there. The US is no better than Europe. „Us vs Them“… We might have more wars. While we already have enough – the two big ones plus the „small“ ones in regions we haven’t even heard of. Not that there is a thing like a small war. I really hope that 2024 gets us some solutions. That the elections do not go right wing but that they go Human. Cheers!


These thoughts belong in a travel blog, even if they seem unrelated. Why do I travel? Because I moved to Kronau and saw the sign „paneurope path“ – and for I have been European all my life. Why borders? Why We vs Them? Can we not just respect our neighbor just as they are? Can we not ignore what someone else has, as long as it doesn’t affect us? What do invading countries have to do in their neighboring country?

Of course, I am quite allergic to lies, too. There are always excuses why to mow down whole groups of population … „We vs Them“ – but in Humanity there is no „Them“ only „We“ Can we please learn this?

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