New blog, new pathways to somewhere, wherever that somewhere should be. Those who know this address – unter my name there’s an old blog – with the last entries from 2013.
I have been logging and reporting about races – triathlons mostly, but also other stuff, 10k races, marathons, whatnot. And that’s only a small part – there is a whole bunch of English language blog posts which used to roam my now-dead website. And another now-dead site which I really liked to write into at the time.
So. why… Why a new blog. what does this lady at the keybord have to say which is not known around the world?
For once: Tomorrow I am taking a train to Paris. And I am taking my Bee-Two bike. The other one, in bright yellow and black.And I am going to find the end of the Pan Europa Radweg (Pan European bicycle path) – which is not quite simple, because… the signage is kind of…gone.
This route goes from Paris to Prag and I have already covered my home zone – Saverne to Heilbronn. So on the plan is Paris to Saverne.
If the weather decides to let me?
If my body decides to let me?
If my bike lets me?
If time permits?
Hey, I completed Ironman races. Plural. There might be an If… But I am the one reacting, acting onto that if.And I hope there is another Ironman Race in my future. Rounding up the ten. Actually for Hawaii I needed twelve. I am not fast enough to just place. I have to be stubborn enough to go there anyway.
If there is one thing I learned from racing long distance that is, that everything goes step by step. On my wish list would be Talinn next year. Talinn 2020. Sounds good. And that means that I should finally start to get into cycling more distance again.And re-start to run. But first cycling distances. Plus rucking for strength training. Just because it is fun and will get me some crosstraining effect.
Plus – since 2015 I acquired a new hobby which brings me through the world which is called Ingress. So now it is destination racing with destination gaming. Sports network and ingress network. Challenging my brain. but hey that’s there to be challenged.Neither should take to much time from the other.
The name came from sports. The game nick was stolen from my sports name. here and now I will start to combine the two – if applicable. Which means – some ingress driven endeavors might pop up here, but all things blue will stay blue and won’t leak from here.
What else has changed since 2013 when the blog with the race reports stopped. I am not teaching high school anymore, I am freelance teacher for Englisch and Physics. Which does not pay me for a living but it is fun. And people may learn. They are there to learn so … let them.
This is not a situation I will keep up for long – I plan to continue this but I will add some regular day job – which means I also could finance going to schools and make Physics Phun again… (That’s the only choice of wording with this grammatical structure which I approve. I think).
Long Projects are done Step by Step by Step…..
Also… I have to get my back back into iron modus. This is why I did not complete any long distances the last four years. But now I am ready to give it a re-start.
And at the same time. Continue my European project.
Sports is international. Ingress is international. Cycling is international. Roaming every country in Europe – on the different bike pathways. It will take a lot of time. But it should be worth this time.
So here is why I started this new and improved blog: I am picking up the now-deads. I am re-claiming what I have been, what I have been doing, plus my time, my life, sorting out what I need to sort out and most of all – get onto a long long bike ride.