My Resistance friend who already had made it to Gothenburg wrote, that he’d in Gothenborg this evening, still. I was a bit in between maximizing bike distance and visiting and actually seeing the city of Gothenborg. So I decided for the sevond, especially after my landlord in the Stromsted-suburb had told me that there was a train from Stromsted Station…
So I had a good night’s sleep. The motel did offer breakfast, and by then I also had payment down (the lady at the reception had a bit trouble with the EC card reader). For some reason the hotel owners did not want me to eat frogs for breakfast….. Rygge, the town where I had stayed is not really large…
Goodbye Oslo, here I come, Eurovelo. Europe is covered with a network of bicycle pathways, connecting Europe, connecting countries, showing beautiful places, reliving history, so I thought. So I took a close look at this network. Since I have finished the Pan Europe bike path I was on the lookout for a new project. WOuld it be the „around the…
Mission day. Six missions and the participation in Operation Clear Field – yet another GORUCK event. This time there are XF teams as well as mono-Faction teams roaming the city on a wild scavenger hunt which includes photos, videos, PT, and lots of coolpoints. CadreBarbarossa gave us the task sheet digitally (after the rainy event in Athens where we needed…
Control Oslo. Oslo needs to be blue… World domination – or at least site domination. This game is not only connectong the people in my faction together. This game connects both sides. None can do without the other. An anomaly gets boring if the opposition is not there. Control Oslo. We knew there’d be a lot RES agents coming.…
This was the day when we were scheduled to meet again, to ruck together. GORUCK, again – this is a demanding feat – you need tohave basic fitness, and the will to continue. We had a last minute signup and were amazed that he joined us – and he proved to be a valuable addition to our team. Actually –…
So on the ferry, enjoying the calm of the cabin, enjoying the shopping-mall area, the coffee, the buffet in the evening, which was more than luxurious, enjoying the sunset, the sounds of a ship peacefulling tugging her distance into the ocean. having a good nights sleep. marvelling if the down vests were worth getting – the bright ones in the…
When ingress announced the sites for the 2023 anomalies, I thought, I’d get to Reims and that’s it. Then I got an Athens trip as a gift – and after rucking in Athens I kind of had to figure out how to go to Oslo or Madrid. Flying for a pixel-in-scanner game… yes I flew to Rome for a weekend,…
Sorry, guys at – for me this is my old home – Wiesbaden – the city where I grew up, where I went to school, where I went swimming – to the playgrounds, Where we scouts were meeting up in Dambachtal. Where Burg Sonnenberg was a standard destination to walk to – passing by even more playgrunds. Sorry, guys,…
…..and more So this was a present from my husband. Fly to Athens have a cool week there, and fight anomaly. The anomaly – this time me without bike – went fine – lots of activity, lots of fighting, shard scoring. Just…unfortunately we lost anyways. It rained. Several of us slipped on the wet marble. No major accidents, gratefully, just…